
“Communication is the key”

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  • Kindergarten – 8 weeks to 5 months of age
    Sit, down, stay, loose leash walking, leave/drop it, manners, all the basics plus we address issues like jumping, barking, nipping, etc. Swim classes in the summer! 6 week series.
  • Elementary – 5 months and up
    Same as kindergarten but for older dogs with an emphasis on canine communication. Swim classes in the summer! 6 week series.
  • Junior High – Kindergarten or Elementary class is a prerequisite unless you schedule a free evaluation.
    For those of any age who are not quite ready for High School but already know the basics and just need some fine tuning. Field trips! Swim classes in the summer! 6 week series.
  • High School – Elementary or Jr. High is a prerequisite unless you schedule a free evaluation
    This is where we add distraction and distance to everything you’ve learned so far. Using games and field trips to make a more ‘real world’ experience, you learn techniques to keep your dog focused in distracting situations. Swim classes in the summer! 6 week series.
  • College (C.L.A.S.S.)- Jr. High or High School is a prerequisite unless you schedule a free evaluation.
    Your dog can earn their degree (BA, MA, PhD) using the Canine Life and Social Skills course. This class is designed to prepare you for the Association of Pet Dog Trainers CLASS certification (it’s a lot like the Canine Good Citizen test but more real life). Your dog will learn manners for real world situations like walking among other dogs at a store or outdoor park, laying at your feet while you eat at an outdoor cafe, waiting for you to go through the door when your arms are full, etc. Please check out the program at Swim classes in the summer! 6 week series.
  • Single Session – We spend the 60-90 minute class covering one topic like:  Jumping, Door Dashing, Loose Leash Walking, House Training
  • In Home Training – Obedience training and behavioral modification in your home. Please call to make an appointment. 
  • Private Obedience – One on one class at Such A Good Dog’s facility. Please call to schedule your session. 
  • Seminars – Greeting strangers, coming when called, house training, jumping, door dashing, etc.
  • Pack Walks!
  • Click to Focus – All ages and abilities                         Is your dog interested in everything but you?  Click to Focus is a single session class where you’ll learn to teach your dog to watch you instead of distractions.  You will also learn how to be a more effective teacher with your clicker by perfecting your timing and reward system.  Great for clicker beginners!  Class is people only and dogs will be provided.
  • Field Trips – Jr High or High School is a prerequisite This 4 week series is all field trips.  Practice everything from loose leash walking to polite greetings in the real world within the comfort of a group.
  • Tricks Training – A solid ‘sit/stay, down/stay’ is a prerequisite.  Come and have some fun with   your dog! This is a 4 week series.  Here’s a sample of the tricks you can learn:
    * Close the door
    * Bow, Play Dead, Roll Over, Spin
    * Peek-a-boo
    * Put your toys away
    * Say your prayers
  • Fun & Games – Jr. High or High School is a prerequisite.This is a 4 week series where we use learned skills to play games like Scavenger Hunt, Baseball, Musical Chairs, and we throw in a few tricks!
  • Loose Leash Walking  no prerequisite.
    This is a 4 week series where we practice loose leash walking outdoors in more real world situations. Whether your dog is young, old, an expert or pulling like a maniac, this is the class to hone your skills. Outdoor class.
  • Feisty Fido – If you have a dog who is barking and lunging at other dogs while on leash, you are not alone. It’s a very common behavior problem, even if the same dog gets along well with others OFF leash. It is also a problem with a high rate of successful treatment. This is a 6 week course  where we concentrate on leash reactivity using a combination of LAT “Look at That” and BAT “Behavior Adjustment Training”. Classes are outdoors at a variety of locations. First session is without dogs so you can learn about body language and the 2nd session you practice with the trainer’s dogs. After the 6 session course bi-weekly practice for 2 months is included. Only 2 students per course.
  • Swimming in the summer!